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[Note: this site is currently a static archive version of what used to be an Omeka site. Some features such as search and curation are not available on this version of the site.]

Welcome to Digital Dos Passos, a digital archive designed to immerse you in the historical context of John Dos Passos' U.S.A. trilogy. The site is currently a prototype with an initial focus on the first and last newsreels of the novel 1919 (Newsreels XX or XLIII), with media and annotations on more of the newsreels to follow.

Currently, the site is set up as an archive of 24 items, each corresponding to one of the fragments in Newsreel XX or XLIII. There are several ways to navigate this material:

The Media
The media on this website is either public domain or released under a Creative Commons license. See the "Source(s)" at the bottom of each item page for more on each piece of media.

Access individual media files from the menu on the top-right of every item page. Currently, opening files from this list is the only way to access music and film files; the next version of the site will embed these files to allow for a completely in-site experience.