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34 Die After Drinking Wood Alcohol

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34 Die After Drinking Wood Alcohol

Although I could not find a reference to a similar story, this sounds like a reference to individuals drinking unusual substances for their alcohol content during the U.S. Prohibition Era. See another newsreel item for more on Prohibition.

Related images:
1. A government-issued "Medicinal Alcohol" form from the 1920s; prescriptions for medical uses of alcohol were the only way to legally receive liquor during Prohibition.
2. A Universal Studios newsreel from around 1933 touting an "Industry Boom" subsequent to the repeal of Prohibition. Click on link to access.


1. "Prohibition prescription front". Ca. 1920s "Medicinal Alcohol" form; publica domain via
2. "Repeal of Prohibition newsreel ca1933". Universal Studios, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Via Wikimedia Commons.

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