About the series

Logo banner showing a sunglasses-wearing skeleton holding a laptop in one hand and a ball of yarn and knitting needle in the other. The logo contains the text: For anyone curious about vaguely DH-adjacent crafting+making, ZERO experience required

Scheduled #DHMakes Methodz Talks

About the series

Monthlyish 30min informal, low-effort way to help folks discover methods that might interest them & how to dip their toes in. Email Visconti [at] Virginia.edu if you’d like to teach and/or help organize/moderate a talk, and I can add you to a GDoc to help match up prospective teachers and organizers-moderators (I’m at my capacity limit for organizing with these first 3 talks, but it would rock if others want to make more happen!)

Each Zoom event is 30min:

  1. One informal 10-20min talk:
    • about 1 specific craft/make/art method (e.g. crochet, woodcarving, resin), and
    • aimed at “what is this method, why might I want to try it, how would I get started?” (not a tutorial attendees follow, given coordinating supplies is hard)
  2. Optional 10-20min after talk for questions, working on/sharing your own crafty/makey things

Talks focus on

Discussing or demoing 1 method (not multiple; not expecting audience to have supplies to follow along). Up to teacher, but could cover:

  • Why are you interested/excited about this method? Why might others dig trying it?
  • What’s challenging about the method, e.g. when starting out? Advice, encouragement?
  • Any related personal projects (at any stage of completion) to share?
  • Recommend tutorials, other example projects
  • Supplies you’d need to try the method more inexpensively

Why “MethodZ”?

I’ll try taking notes during the talks, to turn into miniZine drafts to credit & be approved by the speaker. Could share these online & in public spaces like my Scholars’ Lab zine rack (UVA).

(Keeping the spirit of the DH 2024 #DHmakes mini-conference going! Thanks to Claudia Berger for leading #DHmakes mini-conference facilitation, + to co-conspirators Anne Ladyem McDivitt, Gabby Evergreen, Jacque Wernimont, Jojo Karlin, Quinn Dombrowski! And thanks to participants, too.)